Sun 31/07/11 07:13

I’m sitting in hostel just waiting for my time to take off for the bus station, I figure I’ll leave in about an hour and a half. Earlier I went out walking a little bit to see if I’d missed any tourist sites, and guess what? I did. On the other side of the river, about a kilometer from where I crossed the other day I saw what appeared to be a rocket, so I went to investigate. When I got over to it, there was much more than a rocket, there was a big amusement park that was filling up with people as I walked by. On the other side of the street was what appeared to be an abandoned science park. There were replicas of rockets, satellites, and other space related objects. The park though was fenced off and it was not being kept up. There was overgrown grass in what appeared to be a canal at one time. Signs were missing letters, along with peeling paint, and plant boxes were filled with dead plants. It was kind of sad to see because it looked fairly new, if I were to guess when it was built I’d say somewhere in the late nineties. The whole complex went for about 3 km and was on the side of the river. So trying to get a better vantage point to take a photo or two, I ended up walking along the river for a while. It’s Sunday today, and the amount of people riding bikes, jogging, rowing kayaks, and just enjoying the shade of the trees was great. I don’t see things like this in Dubai. It seems most of the relaxing is in the form of going to mall, and only at night do you see people enjoying themselves outside., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

So that’s about it for the day, except I did take more photos of what I’ve taken before so probably won’t post them.

Sun 31/07/11 03:28
and a lot of rambling

Well this is my last day in Sevilla, and I really don’t know what to do with myself. My bus leaves for Barcelona today at 4 and arrives at 8am the next morning. I think that the ride is going to be long and painful. Who knows though, it could be that I get a small woman to sit next to and I’ll have the room that I need to at least breathe without being squished. More likely than not, it’ll be a gargantuan of a guy who has no control over his legs and will constantly be pushing me for more space. I seriously hope not. I digress, today as stated, is my last day in this beautiful city. I’ve seen pretty much all the new things that I think I can see, so I’ll probably end up spending most of my time just hanging in the hostel or bus station. It’s what I seem to be good at. The weather is cloudy, so maybe the city is sad that I’m leaving??? Probably not, but it makes for a good day to walk around some more. I don’t know if I’ve written about the heat here, but it has been very hot. The locals seem to be used to it and like the small town that I wrote about before, the locals go into hiding in the mid afternoon. And just like in that other post, it seems really strange that the city basically shuts down for a few hours. Everywhere you go the only people you see are a few tourists meandering along. Some are taking pictures, others are eating ice cream, and still others are looking in shop windows with no hope of actually buying anything from the shuttered store. It makes sense though why the locals do this, it’s just plain hot out., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

Sorry about the boring pictures, but I’ve talked about how many of the pictures just don’t give the sense of what the city is about, and for the most part, pictures, even boring pictures, give you a break in the reading.

Yesterday I didn’t do a lot of sightseeing, though I did go out a couple of times for food and pictures. There is one thing that doesn’t make sense here that I didn’t take any pictures of prior to yesterday. It’s this new, umm, something like a building, but to be honest I don’t know what to call it. It’s this huge grid like terrace that covers what looks like a small mall, and I think that’s the best description I can give for now. I wanted to take some pictures of it, if only because it stands out as not belonging in this otherwise perfect example of old-world life., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

I haven’t talked about my health lately and to be honest I don’t really think it’s important in the “big picture” but since I have time this morning I’d do a little update. First the cold that I had in Tangier is completely gone, has been for at least a week. The food poisoning that I contracted about three weeks ago is about 90 percent gone, though I still have some indications that it’ll be a little longer before I’m completely over it. The good part about the food poisoning is that with all the symptoms that I’ve had to deal with I haven’t been eating very much. That has had the result that I’ve lost weight, about (and I’m guessing here) 15 lbs. My shorts are loose when I put them on and I don’t see the love handles as much as I used to. I still have another 15 to go, but if all it takes to losing weight is to go to Morocco, then I think I’m liking Morocco more and more. ☺

Okay, so now I’m killing time by wasting yours. Aren’t you glad that you started reading this post? You’ll lose about 20 minutes of your life for little more than to hear someone tell you about nothing. One of the Brits I was on the tour with asked me if I was going to make a book out of my blogs. At the time I said that I hadn’t thought about it, but who knows? The girl put the bug in my head and I’ve been giving it a lot of thought lately, so much that last night I started to plan out the layout in my head. We’ll see if it goes anywhere other than a simple idea, but I think it would be kind of cool to have a book of my travels. Don’t know if I’d do it in volumes by years, by destinations, or all in one chronologically, but I could use the practice in publishing, and it would be a great thing just to have around the apartment.

The last ramble I have is to talk about the hostel that I’ve been staying at here in Seville. This place has been the best yet. The building is old world style architecture built in a triangle overlooking a triangle courtyard. The staff have been great too. Last night I came downstairs and as I walked into the patio that was full of people, the manager offered me a chair at his table, asked if I wanted a beer, then offered me pizza. Most hostels you are treated nice, but never have I been offered a slice of pizza and a beer just for being a guest.

Sat 30/07/11 05:58
and I’m starting to feel like a regular

I’ve been in Seville for two nights, and although I did go out and do some sightseeing yesterday, I didn’t write about it. I did write, but I didn’t post anything. I’ll make up for it today. It’s about 1pm right now and I’ve already been out and about the city for the third time. In fact I’ve been around the area so much that I’m starting to feel like I know it. Remember, that I’m only talking about the tourist part of the city and not the real Seville that most people live in. The city is pretty big, and the tourist part is big too, but only a small fraction of the actual city. Yesterday I made it to the regular part of the city, but only a small sliver of it. The architecture is different, but the lifestyle seems to be the same in most ways. People walking all over the place, small buildings, people eating in small cafes., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

Like I mentioned in the other post this place is really scenic, nearly all parts are worthy of taking a photograph, but as I walk around it’s almost like being snow-blinded with old world beauty, maybe the term should be something like architecture-blinded. Nevertheless I have been taking photos, and although I don’t think that there are a lot of good ones that actually portray what the city is like, I think there are some that will remind me of the awe that I’ve had since coming here., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

Tomorrow at 4 I leave for Barcelona and I’m unsure of what to expect when I get there. I know that the city hosted the Olympics some time ago, and I’ve been told that the beaches are full of beautiful women, but other than that I don’t have a clue. I guess I will find out. The bus ride is 14 hours, which means that I’ll show up at 8 on August 1. At least I’ll save money on a hostel. That’s a good thing since it’s so expensive here. To give an idea of how much it costs for some of the basic things, Burger King has value meals for 8.55 euros, off the top of my head that something like $11 for a burger, fries, and drink. T-shirts cost about 17 euros, and water is 1 euros. I’m looking forward to getting back to a reasonable cost of living… whenever that may be.

Thu 28/07/11 14:19
but it’s actually called Sevilla

So Sevilla is great so far. I got in about 3 and found my hostel within about hour. I did get a little lost on the way, but I stopped two guys for directions. One of them got his iPhone and punched in the name of the street I was looking for and told me right were it was. Made me kind of jealous when I saw it in action. The hostel sits facing a small triangle of a courtyard that is filled with open-air cafes. In fact right now I’m writing this in one of those cafes, and drinking a beer as well. ☺ There are some things that just seem right, beer, computer, open-air… just seems right to me. The hostel itself is pretty cool as well, it has that “hostel” feel that I mentioned in a posting a while ago. You walk in to what is basically a lobby, the guy working in the reception walks up and shakes my hand, says, “hola…hello.” The Rolling Stones are playing through speakers, and like I said, it just had the “hostel feel.”, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

Hmmm, what can I say about Sevilla when I’ve only explored for about 5 hours. I’ve seen quite a bit, but there is so much more that I need to see to give an informed impression. What I can say is that so far this is the best city I’ve been to in a while. I often use the word, beautiful when I talk about cities, so I don’t want to use it here. So that leaves me at a little bit of a disadvantage of a proper adjective, let’s just say that it is one of the most beautiful Western style cities that I’ve seen in a long time. There are narrow alleys that lead you along until you turn a corner and a cathedral comes into view. There are streets/alleys so narrow that they hang strips of fabric across the street to make shade below. Shops line nearly every alley and street, people are everywhere, some slowly walking along, while others seem to be on a mission to get somewhere., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

I walked for about two and a half hours away from the hostel, I walk fast so I probably covered a lot of area, but I ended up coming up to a large park. I talked about the Parque de Retiro in Madrid in an earlier post, the one here is about the same size, but much prettier. Horse drawn carriages take tourists from one side of the part to another, the steady sound of their hooves can be heard nearly constantly. There are fountains nearly every 300 meters, some are large, some small, but the sound of falling water seemed to be everywhere I went in the park. I don’t think the pictures that I took will adequately show how absolutely perfect this park is., Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken Curtis' summer 2011 vacation

So the last thing I need to talk about before I post this online is something that I haven’t wanted to mention because I know some people may feel that it’s in bad taste, but the women of Spain are absolutely beautiful. I’m not objectifying. Seriously, I’m not. They are beautiful though. It hasn’t been just in Sevilla that I’ve noticed this, it was in Madrid as well. To be honest, I don’t know how many of these women I’m thinking about are tourists and how many are actual Spaniards, but really they rate somewhere between Russia and Iran. That’s means on the “ken scale” that they are second, “Well done Spain!” :) Now the tough part, getting just one of them to even look at me. :(

Wed 27/07/11 15:02
and my one night there

So I’m sitting in the bus at a stop somewhere between Lisbon and Portimao. It’s hot, really hot, and it feels good. The landscape in rural Portugal seems so much like Napa, California that if I had just woken up I think that’s where I would have guessed I’d been. The bus ride has been good so far mostly because it hasn’t been crowded, the bus seems new, and I think this is the first day trip that I’ve taken. It’s nice to be able to watch the countryside scroll past, if only to give me reference to the “real” country., ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation

I tried to get a ticket from Portimao to Seville when I was in Lisbon, but no go. It’s kind of messed up how they do ticketing here. You can’t get a ticket out of the country from most bus services, and the domestic ticket services don’t sell tickets to other countries. That means that I have to be somewhere where the international companies go to/from and Portimao isn’t one of them. I’ll try again when I get into the city though because I heard I needed to try a specific company. Bus is getting ready to leave, so that’s it for now., ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, ken curtis' summer 2011 vacationIt’s about 8 right now and I’ve been in Portimao since about 230. The city is small, it’s quiet, and very relaxing. The bus dropped me off right on the marina, so the moored boats’ bobbing on blue water was a very nice first look at the city. Since then I’ve walked pretty much all around the older parts and although nice, it’s definitely not pretty. That’s not a bad thing either. I found my hostel; well today I kind of cheated. Instead of figuring out how things work, I took a taxi. I didn’t have a lot of time here so wasting an hour or two could have squandered what little time I had to explore. I also managed to get my bus ticket to Seville tomorrow as well. I had two choices, 8am or 3pm. That means that I either arrive at 2pm or 9pm. I decided on the earlier time. Unfortunately that only left the afternoon, (and possibly some more tonight) in Portimao to see what I can, but what can you do?

I met the guys staying in the same room as me and they both seem like nice guys.  One of the guys is from Germany and the other is studying in Prague. They asked if I wanted to go have a beer, or maybe go out to some clubs tonight, but I know I’m not up for it. I have to admit though, it does sound like fun.

It ended up being that only one of the guys I mentioned went out, the other one and me and one other guy from the hostel stayed up to about 1 just talking. I haven’t done that in a long time and I really enjoyed myself. I haven’t been staying in dorms much on this trip and it is one of the things that I’ve missed.

Wed 27/07/11 02:48
Lots of images

Yesterday I got my bus ticket to my next location and walked around the city a little. When I got to the ticket counter I had an idea of where I wanted to go, Portimao. It has a good location on the Southeastern coast and I thought it’d be nice to relax on a beach for a day. So that’s where I’m off to. Since getting the ticket though I’m not so sure that it was a good choice. The rooms are very expensive, there aren’t very many hostels, and the hostels that are good value are far from what I originally wanted to go there for. So anyway, I really wasn’t in the picture-taking mood yesterday, so I don’t have many things to show. I did take some photos from my hotel room of some military function going on, and a night shot as well. Generally though, not many photos from yesterday., Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation

Today was my third day in Lisbon, but since the first day doesn’t really count, I’m on my second full day. It’s been nice here. I’m not sure if it’s me or it is Lisbon, but there is a slower pace to life here. The cars move fast, there are huge amounts of people everywhere you go, but for some reason I just get this feeling that life is slower here. I think that’s a good thing. In some ways it kind of reminds me of Helsinki, Finland, only with much prettier architecture., Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation

It’s about 2:30 right now and I’m back in the hotel to rest a bit before I go out again. I started at about 10 this morning with the plans to go away from the more touristy places that I’ve seen already. I did start in the touristy place though, I just wanted to see if I’d missed anything when I was there before, but after that I headed along the coast, or riverbank–I think I remember seeing on the map that Lisbon is on a river. I think for the most part it was the right decision because along the way I saw a still a beautiful Lisbon, but it was much more rundown and generally in poorer shape. There are two parts to most tourist cities, the parts that have been restored for you to take pictures of, and then there are the other parts, usually the parts where most of the people live. Some of these cities the tourist parts are the only thing that is left from history, but here in Lisbon, and as far as I can tell, the whole city has ornate buildings, cobblestone alleys, and steep hills. Except for not being as restored as the touristy places, it is still beautiful., Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation, Ken curtis' summer 2011 vacation

With no real destination I made my way through alleys and along streets, any street would do as long as it was going in my general directions. There were times that I just followed people, yeah, and it so happens that sometimes those people were cute girls. I went up a few hills and stumbled into a huge market. It was more like a flea market than anything else so I didn’t do much shopping. I continued to follow the vast majority of people and eventually ended up at viewpoint overlooking the city. It was very picturesque but not quite perfect. From my vantage point though I could see another viewpoint a little bit higher, and not that far away from where I was. I got there after about 15 minutes, and still it wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough. By then though my legs were burning and I wanted to get something to eat, so I decided to come back to the hotel. I stopped for lunch at a fruit market and ate as I walked.