Sun 10/07/11 16:54
and some of Fes

Today was a day to relax, at least that was the plan. After yesterday’s hectic trek through the honeycombs of the souk, it was something that I was really looking forward to. Getting up late, about 8 this morning, my first stop was to get a bit of breakfast. There was one break-off of the group that was going to a spa about 70 kilometers away and the rest of the group was going to stay here and do “whatever.” I was part of the “whatever” group. After breakfast the remaining four of us went for a swim in the pool, then headed for lunch in a café a little ways away from the hotel., Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011

The café is well known for being a backpackers haven, a necessary stop for any true backpacker… least that’s the feeling that I got while we were there. To get to the café, we had to go through a souk very much like the one that we went to yesterday, but not as big, and not as crowded. It was nearly perfect. There weren’t as many people as the day before so I didn’t feel as if I was being rushed, and enough people to make the experience feel like a normal souk. It was really idyllic just wandering along looking through the shops and taking our time… plus I had the added prestige of being one guy with three women… always a nice thing ☺, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011

The café was pretty cool, there was a total hostel feel to it, a feeling that I don’t know if I can actually explain, but if you’ve travelled using hostels you know when you’re in a good hostel if it has kind of a relaxed, hippie feel. This café had it. I ended up having a camel burger.  The camel burger was mentioned in Lonely Planet, and I felt that I just had to try it., Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011, Ken Curtis Morocco, 2011

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