Thu 21/06/12 06:46
just killing time

The butterfly effect. I knew that the time was going to come when I’d be leaving for Myanmar, but like always, I’ve got the butterflies. I don’t know why but I guess I’m just prone to them. Did I pack everything? What about my computer… do I have the charger? What about my clothes, did I remember everything? The questions just circle around in my head, and probably will until I eventually land. My track record has been pretty good, I’ve yet to forget anything of real value, so let’s hope that my streak stays and I haven’t forgot anything.

The butterfly effect. I knew that the time was going to come when I’d be leaving for Myanmar, but like always, I’ve got the butterflies. I don’t know why but I guess I’m just prone to them. Did I pack everything? What about my computer… do I have the charger? What about my clothes, did I remember everything? The questions just circle around in my head, and probably will until I eventually land. My track record has been pretty good, I’ve yet to forget anything of real value, so let’s hope that my streak stays and I haven’t forgot anything.

So I’m going to make some last minute checks, and then head to the airport. I’ll probably finish this entry there…

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