Sun 10/08/08 13:40

I’m in Canyon, Texas right now. It’s about 100 miles from Clovis, and in many ways it’s very similar to Clovis.

Yesterday, I got into Canyon and rented a motel room and decided to go for a walk. I really like to walk for some reason, and since I got to the States I haven’t done any. Considering with the amount of walking I did on my trip, I was starting to feel confined or maybe a better way to describe it was like I was getting into a rut. I’ve actually been watching tv. :(

So I emailed friends here to let them know that I was in town and then took off for one of my long walks that I used to do when I lived here. What I didn’t take into consideration was how the weather burned me out. When I got back to the motel about 2 hours later I was so tired that I took a nap. Nothing wrong with that except that I told the people that I emailed that I’d call them when I got back… oops, my bad. Anyway, I’m laying on the bed trying to wake up when I hear pounding on the windows and door. I put on my shorts and look outside and Jan, Alex and Mandy are all there. Talk about feeling stupid. :) They were there to pick me up for a party tonight in Amarillo.

They were nice enough to give me a few minutes to take a shower before we left.

The party was fun, it was more of a get-together than what most people consider to be a party. About 14 people all hanging out and playing games. Well, I was the only one that didn’t play any games… I don’t know why sometimes I am so anti-everything… I just didn’t feel like it I guess. We stayed there until about 1am.

It was a good time.


This was the team that lost. Notice they’re sporting the “L” for loser?

Today was more of a work day for me… not really work, but more of getting ready to leave for dubai day. In dubai I can’t really find clothes that I like. It seems that everything I find there is all fashion stuff, and if you know me, I’m nothing about fashion. So the last few months in Dubai, as my clothes were wearing out, I planned on when I was back here to stock up on jeans, shirts, and all the other stuff one needs. That’s what I’ve been doing so far today. I may need to make one more trip in a few hours to get make sure that I have enough for another year in Dubai.

Tonight I’m planning on dinner with friends and then tomorrow I’m going to the school to visit with some of my old profs. I hope that they’re there.

One thing that I don’t know if I’ve mentioned or not, is that I’ve been pretty vocal about losing the “sense of home” about Clovis, but I need to mention that it’s not just Clovis. I don’t want to go back to Dubai either. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a good time as I did on my travels around the world and I don’t want that feeling to end. The places that I’ve seen, the people that I’ve met, and all the other things that have happened to me have made it the best time of my life. I don’t want it to end… I want to book a trip back to Europe and probably head right back to Venice, and start again.

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