It’s Sunday night and I thought that I would do a recap of what I’ve been working on or what I’ve been doing. Naw, I think I’ll keep it to the work stuff.

I’ve slowed down a little on some of the things that I was doing like making videos. I sat down yesterday to work on my Kenya video, and shortly afterwards closed it up for lack of interest. I did the same thing with my book as well. I wanted to start shortening the videos to bring the overall file size of the book down. As I mentioned a few posts ago, the book is way too large. It’s about 1GB and should be no larger than 100MB, having said that though, I’m not trying to get it that low. I think a fair size for a book that has 160 pages with so many images and movies, would be around 500MB. Since this is my first attempt at a book that unlike my other attempts may actually be worthy of publishing, I feel that the size isn’t as important as my next book will be. Like everything it’s a learning process. Besides, if I print hard copies then the higher resolution images will be needed.

This is a design I was working on for a while, thinking of starting on it again. Bootstrap

I’ve been tweaking my web site a lot lately. I still haven’t dug into the responsiveness problem though. I also am starting to design my next site. I’m not sure if I”m going to go with my visualarts site that I started awhile ago, or start on a new design for I have to take into consideration that my life will be busy in about two weeks with traveling and finding a place to live in the US, so finding the time to work on a site or book or videos will be difficult.

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