Sat 20/12/08 08:22

So I met up with the tour tonight. There are 12 of us in total and there are actually some other Americans going too. Still too many Aussies though. It’s kind of funny, I’m having flashbacks of my summer trip too. I keep thinking about meeting Alex and Courtney, and all the others and how much fun I had on the trip… I hope I have half as much fun on this one. The one bad thing about this group is I’m either the oldest or almost the oldest… does it matter? Kind of. I hate being thought of as “old” and there is a good chance that that is going to happen. There’s a cute girl in the group as well. She’s from England.

We went and had a good meal at a small restaurant a few blocks from the hotel and finished just about 30 minutes ago. I don’t feel like “calling it a night” just yet and I may take off for a walk when I get done here. After all, by what I consider to be the right time it’s only 9pm… who knows for sure though, it could be 5 in the morning. :)

Tomorrow the group takes off for some sightseeing around the city. I guess we’re going to go to some temples which should be fun.

I can’t seem to shake the flashbacks from the summer… particularly Katya… I hate when that happens. Too bad it seems to happen way too often.

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