Sun 11/07/10 01:00
…of what I hope is going to be a great vacation.

Summer 2010 Kenneth CurtisSo the time has come for another adventure, and although most of my “high priority” destinations have been seen, there are some places that I want to experience. Amsterdam, London, Scotland, and Berlin are just some of the places that I hope to see in the next six weeks.

It’s been one of the most difficult trips to decide on for several reasons, one is that it’s “Western” Europe, which doesn’t hold a lot of mystery for me. At least not the way China or Russia did. Two, it will probably be more expensive than any of the other trips that I’ve taken, and I really don’t want to spend a lot. The last reason is that, well, I don’t know if there is a third reason, but the other two have been difficult to overcome.

What I really wanted to do was to rent a place in Argentina and spend the summer just exploring South America, but since I’m from North America it seems a little “wrong” to move to Dubai to put myself into a more central location for traveling, and then flying across the world to visit someplace that is relatively close to America. So for now, I’m sticking with Europe, Western Asia, and Africa.

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