Like the title says, I can feel that I’m starting to get a little burned out. I’ve been trying to figure out what I’m particularly burned out on. Is it making movies? Maybe, but I still want to make them. What about working on my book? Well, I am at a place that’s kind of boring, the editing and proofreading part. So that may be contributing to my reluctance to really dive into it. I could always fix some of the problems with my web site though. The problems there aren’t easy, at least now that the little things are fixed. It could take days to fix the responsiveness problem, maybe longer. I’m betting that I’ll have to redesign the whole site to get it up to being a proper responsive design. But anyway, it could be a combination of all those projects, or neither, it could be that I have just been spending too much time in front of the computer and I’m starting to want to do other things.

I don’t know what it is, but there are a few things that I have to get done. The first is my book. I’m so close to finishing it that I could have it done in two full days. I think that would be a really great feeling to finish it. Of course, after I finish that book, the process starts again with the next one. At least though I’d have that nagging feeling gone for a little while.

I’m getting a little burned out on being in Malaysia too. There are reasons that I can’t talk about right now why I’m still here. I think I can start the process of leaving in about a week, maybe two.

Another kind of strange, maybe sad thing that I found out tonight is that I have almost zero footage from at least one summer vacation. I still think that I placed it somewhere else because the idea that I could go almost three months in Greece, Spain, Monaco, and a few other countries and I didn’t take one video is sad, or maybe pathetic is a better word. I guess which summer vacation my next book will be about. :)

I added another video to my youtube page yesterday. This video was a little bit different from the others. This was an introduction to my channel and it’s really a quick, talk in front of the camera type of video with no graphics at all. If you’re interested in seeing it I’ll put a link in this post.  It is really strange to see myself talk on camera, and if it goes like it usually does, I’ll end up cringing on it in no time, like the hiking video that I redid recently. In the meantime though it is kind of fascinating to see the way I talk. You know, my expressions and hand gestured, and by general demeanor is really different than what I have in my head when I’m talking. So strange…

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