Mon 04/07/11 02:09
the first day of the tour

It’s about 8 in the morning… actual 8 this time. I still can’t believe that I didn’t know the actual time for the last two days. Anyway, I’m scheduled to be leaving here in about forty minutes, the destination isn’t completely clear, but I do know that I will be visiting a mosque. Supposedly this mosque is one of the largest around.

I woke up to rain today, and although it’s not too cold it’s overcast and it looks as if there may be more rain today. What do I know about rain? The last time I saw rain was about five months ago, and before that it was last Summer when I experienced any real amount of precipitation. I going on history here, it looks like it may rain. :)

There’s not much to talk about, and in reality I’m doing nothing more than killing time right now. I didn’t sleep very well last night mostly because I was too lazy to turn off the air conditioner. About 4 in the morning I was shivering under the covers and still I wouldn’t turn off the AC. I mean, I would have had to get out from the blankets to turn off the refridgerator, which I eventually did. The result is that I’m kind of “out of it” this morning. So out of it that at breakfast I was going for a large scoop of scrambled eggs, and was having problems getting the eggs to come off the spoon. I finally figured out, after asking someone, that what I was scooping out of the bowl was butter. Talk about feeling dense.:)

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