Thu 14/07/11 05:41
Day 1

We got into Marrakesh about 2 this afternoon and the first thing after checking into the hotel, I headed to the pool. The problem was, or rather is, since that’s where I’m writing this right now, is that it’s overcast and looks like it may rain shortly. Oh well, it’s still warm and the water in the pool was just perfect.

kenneth curtis summer 2011:   kenneth curtis summer 2011:

kenneth curtis summer 2011:   kenneth curtis summer 2011:

So the weather is warm, I’m sitting beside the pool writing on my blog, I don’t think it can get more relaxing that this. The day started when we left the hotel that we stayed in last night. I find it hard to remember names, but the hotel was at the base of a Kasbah that has been used in many Hollywood movies, including Gladiator and I think Kingdom of Heaven. The Kasbah, or collection of buildings, is built on the side of a mountain/hill and is an impressive mix of old world crumbling and renovated houses crammed into a tight space separated only by very narrow roads or alleys. I always enjoy seeing old buildings and when you add the fact that I’ve seen this structure in many movies it makes the whole experience great.

kenneth curtis summer 2011:   kenneth curtis summer 2011:

kenneth curtis summer 2011:   kenneth curtis summer 2011:

kenneth curtis summer 2011:   kenneth curtis summer 2011:

Tonight we’re going to the medina to do a little bit of shopping and to watch some of the entertainers. When we were in Meknes, about the second day of the tour we got a little bit of a taste of the street entertainers, but supposedly Marrakesh has a lot more. I expect to see snake charmers, magicians, and other fun stuff.

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