Sat 30/06/12 05:55
in the city

We spent the day wandering from one tourist spot to another and ended on an elevated walking bridge waiting for the sun to set. All went as planned except there wasn’t a sunset, no worries though, the day was fun.

ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,   ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,

ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,   ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,

We started about 8 in the morning and headed to a monastery about 30 minutes from our hotel. I have to say that I enjoyed this probably more than anything else that we did. At, I think 10, is when they eat breakfast, and the event has become somewhat of a tourist destination. All the monks are outside, grouped by age, and waiting to be fed. They have to stand in a line until it’s their time to get their food. It seems kind of strange taking pictures of them but it appears to be encouraged to develop donations.

ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,   ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,

Most of the rest of the day we headed from one temple to another with no one in particular standing out as I write this right now. About the only thing that I want to mention is the requirement to take your shoes and socks off to enter the temples. I know, sounds like a pretty stupid thing to mention until you factor in that the tiles heat up so hot that you literally have to run from one point to another. You can only survive the short hops if you plan your dash based on the color of the tiles, with the darker being warmer, and then hope that there will be somewhere to stop and let the heat dissipate.

ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,   ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,

ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,   ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to Southeast Asia,

ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to southeast asia   ken curtis' summer 2012 vacation to southeast asia

There was one thing that happened to me. Towards the end of the day we were going through an archeological area by way of horse and carriage, and at one point we were forced off the road by a truck coming from the opposite direction. Unfortunately the horse didn’t have the strength to pull us back, so we started getting out of the carriage and when I did, the horse suddenly had enough strength to get back onto the road… the only thing was was that I was only partially out of the the carriage. With one leg on the ground and the other still inside the horse started to drag me. I lost my balance and scraped up my big toe pretty bad. When the horse finally stopped I had managed to get the foot that had been dragged up into the carriage but I didn’t have the strength to pull my self up. So there I was hanging out the back of this stupid carriage with everyone watching me. I finally looked over to one of the guys on the tour and say, “Please help me.” I’m still embarrassed now when I recount the story.

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