Sat 14/07/12 07:55
But nothing special

Tomorrow morning at 6 I leave for Battambang. I am not so interested in seeing the city as I am in taking a boat up the river to get there. Remember, it’s the journey.  I’ve read all sorts of information about the ride up the river with nearly every article saying that the boats break down all the time and at other times people have to get out and push the boats off sandbars. Should be fun. The city itself sounds pretty interesting if only for it’s French colonial architecture, because of this, I’ve only scheduled one night there. I expect to leave for Pnom Penh by bus the next morning. Once there I plan on staying for at least three days. Not bad, close to the next four days are planned.

I didn’t do much today, I’m not really sure why, just that I didn’t seem to have anywhere that I thought I should go. There were places that I was interested in, but not enough to get me motivated to leave this afternoon.

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