Thu 19/07/12 03:16
Let’s just say I was there.

So what a few days I’ve had. Let’s see, since the last time I posted a entry I was leaving Battambang for Phnom Penh. I can report that I made it there and now I’ve left and arrived in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. I don’t expect anyone knows about this place, but from what I’ve read it will eventually be the “hotspot” of Cambodia. The beaches are supposedly awesome and people are starting to come. I’ve only been here for a little less than an hour so I haven’t had a chance to check them out yet.

I don’t know if I ever explained why I’ve chosen the places that I’ve gone while here in Cambodia. Let’s see if I can correct that, somewhere around the time the tour through Myanmar was ending I was planning on going to see Angkor Wat, but that was all I really knew about Cambodia other than Pol Pot, the killing fields, and the capital city, Phnom Penh. Since I had two weeks before my next tour, I decided to follow a tour that lasted about 10 days. I’m not on the tour, but I’m staying at the spots that the tour would stay at. So far it’s worked out okay. I’m probably not seeing the same things that I would if I was physically on the tour, but I am seeing the right cities.  Sihanoukville, is the last one before I head back to Thailand.

Phnom Penh was okay. I think that is the best that I can do right now, maybe over time I’ll look back and say it was great, but not now. I managed to go to a few clubs and I really did have a great time the first night. Unfortunately that was pretty much the end of the fun for me. Because I don’t know who would be reading this entry I really don’t want to go into too much detail on my night out, but lets just say it’s been a long time coming and was what I needed (nothing lewd or lascivious).

I think I took about four photographs my whole time there and to be honest I haven’t looked at them to see if they are any good. I think there is a good chance that there won’t be any photos to add to this entry.

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