Thu 04/12/08 23:29
A well known and influential designer speaks at the university

Last night I went to a lecture and exhibition of a very influential designer, Jiwon Shin. To be honest at first I really didn’t know much about her, and wasn’t convinced I was going to go. When I found out though that she has designed logos and branding for such companies as Quest, Amtrak, UPS, FedEX, Japan Airlines, Nautica, and much more, I decided that there was a chance that her… fortune, talent, or whatever her secret is, could possibly rub off on me that I had to go. I spoke to her for a little bit, and I asked her how she managed to land such huge clients, her response was, “good fortune.” I hear that a lot, that luck pays a big part in getting well known, or established. She also mentioned going to “mixers” and “rubbing shoulders” with influential people. So it’s probably more of her tenacity than anything else that has made her who she is. What a nice person though, very humble, and very cordial. She seems to deserve every good thing that she has gotten out  of life.

Images:TOP, A couple professors mingle during the exhibition. BOTTOM-LEFT,Krassen, the typography professor at AUD poses with Shin. Krassen is the person who invited the artist to the university. BELOW-RIGHT:Nadwa, a student at AUD , and Shiwon in front of the JAL poster.


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