Sun 24/02/13 11:38
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So I decided this spring break I would do some snorkeling in Oman. The idea was a good one, within driving distance, get to see a new city and have some fun. About the only thing I didn’t think about was the cost of a hotel and to my surprise it is very expensive. So still motivated to do some snorkeling I decided to look for another spot around the area, but didn’t have any luck. It seems that the hotels in the area are luxury resorts and have staked out the best snorkeling and diving spots. It also means that they can charge a premium, from the places I’ve seen online, the prices start at about $250 a night.

Even though I decided that I wouldn’t pay that much I still wanted to go someplace to get underwater. After searching google for great areas to snorkel I decided to go to Sri Lanka. I’ve been there before but it seems to be pretty inexpensive, in fact for about a day in a hotel here I can fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka, and for about three days here I can have a whole vacation. I’m even planning on doing some diving when I get there. I’m getting really excited, I leave in about two weeks and I’ll be gone for about 10 days.

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