Thu 07/03/13 23:12
and I really like it.

After a harrowing process of getting to the airport, getting checked in, and the aircraft actually taking off, I am here. I arrived at Colombo, Sri Lanka about an hour late, about 5:30 in the morning. No worries I knew that I couldn’t check into my hotel until later and I still had a 130 km drive to get to the hotel. Getting through passport control and customs was a breeze and as I stepped out of the airport the sun was just starting to rise.

Hot and muggy was my first reaction, and I have to say that I liked it. The temperature along with the taxi touts and people everywhere made for the kind of experience that I have come to look forward to. There seems to be a lack of rules or maybe it’s a sense of lawlessness, but whatever it is it feels kind of old school not the way that many of the more “developed” countries are.

I got to the hotel about 10 or so and checked in. The hotel is in the shape of a horseshoe and the center is filled with sand and trees. The room is bare, but it is right on the beach, and what a beach it is. Perfect. Large waves crashing not more than 50 meters from the shore, warm soft sand, and not crowded. Right now I’m feeling that this is going to be a great week.

I already went down to the water and walked around, but I feel like I need to go swimming. So after lunch I think I’ll hit the beach again, but this time with my camera and a swim suit. Later I’ll head out to see who offers snorkeling and diving trips.

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