Okay, so now that I’ve added one kind of catch-up post there are some things that I would like to write about. Again, I say this quite a bit but I need people to understand that this blog is mostly just for my own memory. I want to go back and read what I did on a particular point in my travels, I want to remember my emotions, and in general relive my experience. Sometimes it’s interesting to others who may stumble onto my site, but that isn’t my goal here. It’s for me.


Traveling Alone:

You know, for the most part I like to travel alone. I get to make my own schedule, do what I want and never feel responsible for someone else’s happiness. But, and this is a big ‘but’ I sometimes get lonely. For whatever the reason, maybe it’s simply that I’m not near others, or maybe I’m in a kind of quiet mood, whatever the reason there are times that I get lonely. This is one of those times.

After my friend went back to Singapore I returned to what I know the best, being on my own. All was good, I met a lot of people and was generally feeling pretty good about life. Then somewhere along the way I started to get quiet, I’m not sure exactly why, but I remember being on the bus to Sandakan chatting with a girl from England when I just kind of shut off. I stopped talking to her about mid-journey, feigning sleep and since I haven’t felt like being around anyone. During the bus ride to Tawau a older man tried to befriend me, but I just got annoyed by his attempt to get me to interact. For me, this is highly unusual since I tend to embrace the interactions that I have with people and especially when I meet very nice locals, but at this time I just wanted to be left alone. Again I feigned sleep.

So now I’m sitting in the lobby of the hotel typing a blog entry to nobody, with the expectation that nobody will see it. How pathetic is that???

On a side note, one of the changes that I’ve noticed about myself that I attribute to traveling for an extended period on my own is that I have become much more outgoing. I used to have a hard time starting a conversation with strangers, or sometimes even with friends, but now I find that it is easy. Sometimes it seems too easy and I refrain from engaging just so I’m not, ‘that guy’ who talks too much. Not sure what caused it, but I think I like the new ken.

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