Ever since the last time this site was hacked I had kind of lost interest in fixing the problems that it had once I got rid of the malicious code. I knew that there were problems but for some reason I just kind of gave up on it. There was a story that I heard one time, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the first web that a spider build is its best. If that web gets damaged or knocked down the second web will be okay, but not as good as the first. This continues until the web is barely a web. Like I said, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I sure identified with that spider. I just burned out spending hours on fixing the site and then to have some jerk come along and destroy it was de-motivational.

Anyway, it looks like the first entry to the blog is working on the index page, that was basically an easy fix. I actually just had to try to fix it instead of ignoring it.

The gallery pages are working now. I don’t know why, but the plugin for the gallery had just disappeared. All I had to do was to reinstall the plugin. So easy.

Now I have to update the videos on the front page, that may take a little longer. Each video is separate from youtube so I have prepare the videos for all types of browsers. If I remember correctly there are 5 different filetypes to work with.

Anyway, I’m just happy that the site is starting to make it back from the dead. :)


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