Tue 12/03/13 02:29

Today I’m going scuba diving. I feel it’s appropriate to mention that I’m nervous too. There’s probably a few reasons for my jitters, but most likely it has to do with that I haven’t dove in a quite a while, but even more reason is that the last time I did, I had problems with my ears. For anyone that has never gone diving let me give you a small little lesson in equalizing. When you go to a certain distance under water pressure of the water pushes against you. For the most part you don’t notice it except when it comes to your ears, the pressure pushes on your eardrums and the only way you can reduce it is by clearing your ears, this means equalizing the pressure of the outside to the inside. If a person, like me, who has problems equalizing the pressure it can be very painful, and even damaging to the ears. The last time I went I was almost deaf for about two weeks, well, that’s an exaggeration, I wasn’t deaf, but everything sounded like I was in a tunnel.


Well, since I first started writing this this morning, I did go diving. Yay! It was so much fun. I did have problems with my ear trying to equalize and as I writing this my ear feels plugged, and when I talk it sounds like I’m in a cave. Oh well, I did have a blast and to make it even better, I have a full video of it. I am thinking of going again tomorrow too but only if my ear feels better by then.


Now I have to figure out what to do with the rest of the day… sipping beers on the beach sounds kind of fun, but so does taking a surfing lesson. ☺

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